Local Cuisine Discovery Of Mauritian Dishes

Sep 20, 2024 | Discover Mauritius

Discover The Local Mauritian Cuisine

Dotted with thatched umbrellas, famous beaches in Mauritius evoke paradise and if you look further, food trucks, hawkers and eateries allow for an exploration of the local cuisine, highly influenced by African, Asian and European cultures.

Mauritian cuisine & Masterchef Uk Winner

The local cuisine reflects the island’s cultural diversity: Creole cuisine is a fusion of Indian, Chinese, European influences. Shelina Permaloo, winner of the UK Masterchef reveals the Mauritian cuisine in her book Sunshine on a plate while French foodie Fred Chesneau, shares the rich flavours of the local cuisine in his TV show Globe Cooker.

Tawa Show

Mauritius is popular for its street food: dholl puri, roti, boulettes, gateaux piment, gateaux arouille and pickled fruits…

Dholl puri is our favourite. The best sellers in town can be spotted easily with their bikes leaning against a post with a glazed container from which they serve hot chickpeas wraps filled with curry, rougaille (cooked tomato sauce with garlic, herbs and spices), pickled cabbage (in turmeric and mustard), sold in pairs.

Roti which is another popular type of wrap rolled out from plain dough is cooked on a Tawa, a rimless flat pan made of thick iron.

Mine Frir or Mine Bwi ? (read minn)

Mine Frir and Mine bwi are fried noodles and boiled noodles respectively. Locally and sometimes freshly made, fried noodles are very tasty, sauteed in soy sauce and mixed with a julienne of vegetables and can be topped with chicken, prawns or sausages.

The local ‘snacks’ which are actually family-run eateries across the island mainly serve mine frir and mine bwi if you can’t spot the Tawa.

These are superb street food delicacies you’d love to try (again and again!) when visiting Mauritius.

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